How to Know When it’s Time for a Rebrand


Change often feels uncomfortable and a little scary—especially when it comes to your business. We hear you, and we see you. But, what if this change increases your revenue, expands your brand visibility, builds trust and authority in your niche, and attracts your dream clients? We’d say that’s 100% worth stepping outside of your comfort zone for.

Here’s how to know when it’s time for a rebrand.

Your brand no longer reflects your vision

What your business started out as a few years ago, or even just one year ago, could be totally different than where it’s at today. Maybe it’s an expansion of your product line or services. Maybe it’s the name that no longer fits. Your business goals, priorities, and strategies are going to shift and evolve over time, so it’s important that your brand reflects your vision in every phase of that journey. If your brand no longer reflects the direction your brand is moving, it’s time for a rebrand.

Your brand is not connecting with your target audience

Your content needs to attract and relate to your intended audience, otherwise, that is time and money going to waste.

One of the first things we do in every brand strategy session is help you define your target audience. Who is your ideal client? What challenges are they currently facing? How will your product(s) or service(s) impact their lives, specifically? What are their likes? Dislikes? These are some of the questions we love to pick your brain about. Defining your target audience is an essential step to building a strong brand for your business. If you’re unsure who your target audience is or if your current target audience is just too broad then, chances are, you’re not actually reaching your ideal customers.

Your brand is outdated

Do you feel like your brand is stuck in the past? If you’ve been in business for a while, what was “in” five to ten years ago may not translate into today’s market and what your target audience gravitates towards. While it’s important to stay up-to-date on trends in your niche, especially the ones your target audience follows, you want to create a brand that feels timeless—one that won’t go out of style every couple of years.

Your brand is not distinguishing you from your competition

If you feel like your brand is just another face in your crowded niche, it’s time to start honing in on what makes your business unique. Think about how your business began. What problem(s) did you want to solve for your customers? What originally sparked your idea about offering your product or services? How do you want your customers to think of you? The answer to each of these questions makes your brand and business unique to YOU.

Think your business is due for a rebrand? Meridian Creative Studio specializes in creating and developing brands that feel like home to you. Send us an email and let’s chat!

Hey, we’re Rachel & Peyton!

We’re two best friends of 20+ years here to help you feel confident & empowered to tell your story through purposeful branding and website design.

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Who We Are

Meridian Creative Studio is a branding and web design studio based in Dallas, Texas. Working with clients near and far, we provide one-of-a-kind digital experiences for small businesses and creative entrepreneurs who are dedicated to growing their business, boosting their brand awareness, and organically reaching their target audience.